
Kids Coming Alive!

We took the kids to a family get together down in Philly this weekend. The minute we got there Joshua went into 2 year-old-boy mode, and immediately starting running around like a madman. Then he proceeded to lie flat on the floor and refused to get up, while cleaning up the spilled red wine with his brand new shirt.

Rebecca began to assert her independence, and told us that she wanted to go by herself to watch the other kids dance. This was a big move for her. She is usually very clingy at these types of events. So she walked about 10 feet away from us, turning her head every 30 seconds or so to make sure we were still there. We did our best to seem casual, as if we were not watching her. After a few minutes one of our cousins spotted her and invited her to sit down. She was great.

Onward and upward!!!

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