
The Grass is Greener

Recently, Rebecca and I had an interesting conversation. We were talking about her days at day camp over the summer, and I said something to the effect of, "I would love to spend my days playing, swimming, singing, and doing arts 'n crafts."

Rebecca's reaction was very interesting, and very amusing. She started telling me how lucky I was that I was able to go to work every day. "You get to go to your nice office, drink coffee anytime you want, eat whatever you want, play on your computer, talk to your friends, and have lots of fun." I thought this was very funny. Rebecca then complained about having to play sports she wasn't interested in, and being outside when it was really hot.

This really made me think. When we are kids, all we want to do is grow up, and fast. As adults, we yearn for the care-free, fun-loving days of our youth. Why can't we just be happy with our current situations?

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