
Home From Camp

Rebecca came home from camp a few weeks ago. We had mixed feelings about her coming home. Of course we were so excited and happy to have her back in our daily lives. It was great to see her every morning and appreciate her presence like we never had before.

But on the other hand, Rebecca was leaving the camp after 4 weeks, and many of her friends were staying on for the full 7 week term. So Jen and I felt bad about cutting her summer short, and we hoped she wouldn't feel like she was missing something.

We did our best to keep Rebecca busy with Dance Camp, trips to Hershey Park, and Drama camp. All in all, she did a great job of adjusting back to her regular home life, and was very happy about spending time with her old friends.

Camp was a wonderful experience for Rebecca. She came off the bus upset that she had to leave, and wanted to go back for more. That's exactly what we wanted. Success.

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