
Parent-Teacher Conferences

We recently had Parent-Teacher conferences with both Joshua's and Rebecca's teachers. We are happy to say that both kids got very good reports.

Joshua, apparently, is a leader in his Kindergarten class, and many of the other kids want to play with him and sit near him at lunch. Joshua is completely clueless to this fact, which is probably a good thing. He just goes about his business, not realizing that the other kids are watching him and trying to emulate him. Some of the kids with special needs often select Joshua as their "buddy" when they go for additional services with the school specialists. And in fact, Joshua's teacher encourages this, as she feels he is a good influence on these kids. Who would have thought?

Rebecca is excelling in reading and writing. Her reading comprehension skills have gotten excellent, and she is better able to describe events taking place in the books she reads. She is also doing great in her writing exercises. This is something she thoroughly enjoys, and even writes stories in her free time for enjoyment. Jen and I were worried about her math skills, but her teacher says she is doing great, and is improving nicely. One thing she needs to work on is penmanship, but I'll give her a pass on that.

Very proud of our two little pups.

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