Welcome to the Dad Dad Dad World blog. I will attempt to chronicle and share my Dad experiences, and hopefully generate many comments and blog visits.
I'm a Dad of 2: Rebecca is 5 and Joshua is 2 1/2. I live in suburban Connecticut, and commute to New York City every day, where I work in Sales Operations for a web based division of Johnson & Johnson. My wife and I have been married almost 10 years. We have 2 SUV's (even though we are both comitted environmentalists), a nice sized mortgage, but no dog and no white picket fence.
Nothing too exciting so far...But what keeps things interesting is the regular adventures and escapades of Joshua and Rebecca. The way they interact and play is a constant source of amazement for my wife and me. We all get caught up in our daily routines, but I will try to step back as I write this blog, and look at things in a new way - through the eyes of two young, precious children trying to learn, absorb, and make sense of this world.
It's a Dad Dad Dad World! Enjoy! And visit often.